Week 7 (Intelligent Systems)

by marcellalvianto on 6/04/2020

In this week 7 of Intelligent Systems, i learned about apriori algorithms which is two step to approach, Frequent itemset generation and rule generations. Step one was to set a minimum support and confidence, step 2 was generate k-itemset from previous itemset, and count each itemset support, Step 3 was repeat again for k- itemset, step 4 was repeat again for calculation k-itemset support value, step 5 was repeat again for k-itemset and also support value, check for possible itemset left. That is what i learn from this week how to compare and group the set and count it into one and make the percentage of it. in 6 April 2020, i have laboratory class which try to code using apriori algorithm and comparing each others.


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