Week 7 (Intelligent Systems)

by marcellalvianto on 6/04/2020

In this week 7 of Intelligent Systems, i learned about apriori algorithms which is two step to approach, Frequent itemset generation and rule generations. Step one was to set a minimum support and confidence, step 2 was generate k-itemset from previous itemset, and count each itemset support, Step 3 was repeat again for k- itemset, step 4 was repeat again for calculation k-itemset support value, step 5 was repeat again for k-itemset and also support value, check for possible itemset left. That is what i learn from this week how to compare and group the set and count it into one and make the percentage of it. in 6 April 2020, i have laboratory class which try to code using apriori algorithm and comparing each others.

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Week 6 (Intelligent System)

by marcellalvianto on 29/03/2020

In week 6 of intelligent systems, The topic was Clustering technique and K-means algorithm, how it make things related or comparing it by a photo, when do this technique, it need distance measurements. Clustering algorithm has 2 type such as partitional algorithm and hierarchical algorithm. Partitional algorithm usually start from randomly. Hierarchical algorithm not the same with partitional algorithm it use something like divisive from top to botom. and how to use K-means algorithm.

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Week 5 (Intelligent System)

by marcellalvianto on 22/03/2020

In week 5 of intelligent systems, this week i learned about Supervised learning. unsupervised learning and Reinforcement learning, the theory of axiom probability, Joint probability, conditional probability, how to combining multiple evidence, Bayes Rule, and Naive Bayes algorithm, how it works and the example questions for that. In this week, i try to understand and answer the questions that can be done by implementing naive bayes algorithms which is comparing and see the tables whether it classified as the questions asked or not.

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Week 4 (Intelligent System)

by marcellalvianto on 15/03/2020

In week 4 of Intelligent System, this week i learned about Minimax algorithm, Alpha – Beta pruning, how to use heuristic and evaluation function, Non-deterministic games, and State of the Art game. In this week i try to answer the question where to find the next step for the game and find the shortest path using several algorithms that already learnt in the class. the example of the question was how to answer the next step of tic-tac toe and answer the tree from left to right using Minimax algorithm.

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Week 3 (Intelligent System)

by marcellalvianto on 8/03/2020

In week 3 of Intelligent Systems, this week i learned about Heuristic Function, Best-Fist Search, Greedy Search, Beam search, A search, A* search, Devising heuristic, and Partial searching. In this week, i tried to answer the questions and the topic was to find the shortest path in the map using many function that i already learnt.

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Week 2 (Intelligent System)

by marcellalvianto on 1/03/2020

In week 2 of intelligent systems, This week i learned about Breadth-first search, Depth first search, iterative deepening depth-first search, and uniform search. i learned about algorithm that will be used to make an Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning, how they solve the problem, what is the step and to find the path with many ways.

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Week 1 (Intelligent Systems)

by marcellalvianto on 23/02/2020

In week 1 of intelligent systems, This week i learned the introduction of Intelligent Systems. I learned about introduction to Artificial intelligence and Machine learning, how it works and the approaches and brief history of Ai and machine learnings. And we supposed to form a group for my final projects and think the idea for our final project.

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by marcellalvianto on 8/07/2019
  1. Game Name: Where Is She?

Members: Kevin Dimas

Michael Berlian

Marcell Alvianto

  1. Screenshots



  1. How to Play

The game consists of three stages, an ice stage, a grass stage, and a dirt stage. In all of the stages, the player is required to complete a maze with a twist. The player has to find a secret object in order to unlock the exit, and only with that can the player proceed to the next stage.


  1. Player Controls
  • Arrow keys: Control the movement of the player.
  • Shift keys: Increase movement speed when pressed.
  • Mouse buttons: Select options in the menu screen.
  • ESC buttons : To go back from the secondary menu (How to play & About)


  1. Contribution

I was responsible with the game map, editing and designing the maze in this game such as the background, the character, the walls that make the user confuse when playing this game, and insert the player tiles .When its moved, the character will also change how the character movements when the character walks in the game. Also help with suggestion when we make this game.

  1. Things we made ourselves
  • Dialogue
  • Storyline
  • Buttons
  • Dialogue boxes
  • Character movement
  1. Sources

game project(google drive) : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1F-lRsuyS5u3m4O_XREVBRmwxGdAU8e2D/view?usp=sharing

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Proposal Final Project

by marcellalvianto on 14/05/2019

Group members :
1. Marcell Alvianto 2201797544
2. Michael Berlian 2201797424
3. Kevin Dimas 2201798156

Our final project is a game about empathy. In this game we will make a game there will be a choice. its up to you
which one you choose, it will affect the ending of the games.

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Hello world!

by marcellalvianto on 4/04/2019

Welcome to Binusian blog.
This is the first post of any blog.binusian.org member blog. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!
Happy Blogging 🙂

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